Attendance management system holds great relevance when we talk of productivity at workplace and profitability of an organization. Tracking employee attendance can help a company grow and prosper in its respective business domain. It further ensures efficient and smooth operations.

Take the case of an employee working in the accounts department of an organization whose office timings are from 10 in the morning till 6 in the evening. If he reports late to office regularly but leaves on time, it is quite likely that he will not be able to complete his regular tasks on time and that too with perfection. This, in turn will hamper his performance as well as the company’s overall productivity.
In such instances, the online attendance management system will help the human resource department keep a tab on the chronic late-comers, talk to them and check the issue. Earlier, when the employee attendance was recorded either manually using pen and paper or in excel spreadsheets on the computer systems, it was not so easy to identify the late-coming employees. With delay in access to metrics on attendance in legacy, there was always a negative impact on productivity of the employee in question, the respective department and the organization as a whole.
Tracking Employee Performance
An efficient and effective online attendance system helps the human resource employees to learn which employees avail the maximum leave, leave without intimation or approval from their reporting managers or leave the workplace in the middle of the day.
Online attendance management system plays a key role in the accurate computation of salary. Several sectors such as media and Information Technology (IT) require their employees to work in shifts for meeting the work schedules and project timelines. The cloud-based attendance system will enable the respective employees of the human resource and finance division to do the calculations with precision, with almost negligible possibility of causing errors. As a consequence, it will not generate dissatisfaction among the workforce and they will be motivated to give their best to whatever task they undertake.
Simplified Process with Automated Calculations
Online attendance and payroll has simplified the lengthy and complex calculations involved in computing overtime and variable pay components which otherwise were very time-consuming and in most of the cases, the chances of discrepancy were high.
Enforcing Discipline
Another benefit of migrating to online attendance system is that it will help enforce a sense of discipline and punctuality among the workforce. Work ethics cover principles such as adherence to the company policies, mutual coordination and support, commitment towards organizational goals, and taking up the responsibility for one’s work. Attendance is also an indispensable part of the code of ethics at the workplace. If an employee in a specific department reports late to work, other employees in the department may also start following a similar trend of coming late to office. This disturbs the coordination and collaboration among the employees within the department, as a consequence of which, work is affected.
Doing Away with Paperwork and Filing
Previously, in the absence of online attendance management system, the organizations had to maintain multiple registers, which made it quite difficult for them to keep track of the employees’ daily in-time and out-time. Thus, it was very tedious and time-taking task to ensure punctuality in attendance.
Boost in Productivity
Being punctual and reporting on time enhances the productivity of a business enterprise. Reporting to work on time will ensure timely execution of the assigned tasks in a seamless manner, enabling the company to scale great heights in its respective industry of operation. The efficient attendance system brings commitment and professionalism to the workplace along with punctuality. It also generates goodwill among the employees.
Easy Remote Access
Moreover, a cloud-based attendance management system will make all the employee attendance details available at one place that can be accessed by the employees from anywhere. This will reduce their dependency on HR department employees for information and will lend more transparency to the entire system.
The evolution of online attendance management system has done away with the hassles and tediousness of the traditional modes of employee attendance records such as manual entries and record maintenance on excel spreadsheets. It has revolutionised the attendance system, thus improving the productivity of the organization without compromising on the employee motivation.